4 ways to maintain your car this summer

4 ways to maintain car's health in summer

4 ways to maintain your car this summer

Summertime heat is here! As we all know, the intense sunshine beating down can do a number on us. But did you know it can greatly affect your car’s health too? Here are 4 ways to maintain your car’s well being this summer. 

  • Check tires: After a long winter and spring full of snow, sleet, and potholes, your tires can take a beating and wear down. It is important to check the tread on each tire to ensure that your car will be ready to ride out the summer thunderstorms.
  • Dashboard sunshade: Do you dislike coming back to your car after work to a scorching hot interior? A dashboard sunshade that can be propped on the inside of your vehicle can help prevent this from occurring, and keeps out harmful UV rays!
  • Car wash: If the salt from the winter hasn’t been knocked off the exterior of your car yet, go ahead and treat yourself to an ultimate wash! Washing the exterior of your car can also help prevent paint damage from the sun’s rays, and waxing after the wash will help preserve the wash longer.
  • Test your battery: Heat is the number one cause of batture failure, so going to get your battery life tested is a great way to prevent getting stuck somewhere or having to jump the car.